Note: The available scenario selections for steps 2 thru 4 will depend on the preceding step selection. Changing a selection in steps 1 thru 3 will clear the selections in the following steps.
Thunderstorms are rainfall driven flooding events where the user can select the amount of rainfall and sea level rise condition. Wind/Tidal events are wind driven flooding events and Sunny Day/No Rainfall is the only available rainfall selection.
The rainfall amounts are provided as hypothetical storm events of a given frequency interval and duration. A 10-year storm event has a 10% chance of occurring in a calendar year. A 100-year storm event has a 1% chance of occurring in a calendar year. It is possible for multiple, larger storm events to occur in a single calendar year. For example, in 2016 in Virginia Beach, three significant rainfall events, including Hurricane Matthew, occurred during a six week period. They consisted of a 100-year (1% chance of occurrence, a 250-year (0.4% chance of occurrence), and a 1000-year event (0.1% chance of occurrence).
No sea level rise represents today’s conditions, 1.5-feet sea level rise represents possible conditions between the years 2045-2065 and 3-feet sea level rise represents possible conditions between the years 2065-2085. These SLR conditions were developed based on historical analysis and modeling and are described in more detail in the City’sSea Level Wise Adaptation Strategy Report.
The model results for the selected implemented project are displayed within the yellow project boundary. Model results displayed outside the project boundary are the citywide no project model results for the selected scenario.
The legend shows the colors representing the model flood depths. The legend is shown at the bottom right of the screen on the Current Scenario view.
For the Compare Scenarios view, click theicon to display the legend.
Click theicon to display project information including the link to the Ripple Effect project webpage.
Selected project locations display the model results superimposed on 360⁰ photographic images. Click theicon to display the before project implementation 360⁰ image and the after project implementation 360⁰ image.
Information about flood exposure is provided to the right of the map.
Click theicon to open the measure tool and measure the distance between two or more points. Start to measure by clicking on the map, click to add more points, and double-click to finish.
Click theicon to open the area measure tool and measure the area and perimeter between three or more points. Start to measure by clicking on the map, click to add more points, and double-click to finish.
The measurements are displayed in the dialog box. Choose the desired unit of measure. Select "New measurement" to clear the points and start a new measurement.
Click theicon to open the search bar and find an address.